10,000 Hours to Excellence
Training & Player Development
TTV Amsterdam is dedicated to improving the ability & performance of all its members no matter what their skill level are. You’ll find a selection of videos to help you understand the sort of training TTV Amsterdam does below.
TTV Amsterdam is very fortunate & proud to have the skills of Hanna & Yana in guiding the player development. Yana is an active international player and one of the top ranked women Dutch players. In addition she is a highly respected trainer internationally and has helped developed numerous young Dutch players to very high levels. Having a top trainer and player gives TTV Amsterdam members a huge advantage and you can see some of her talent on this site.
TTV Amsterdam Club training
Each week TTV Amsterdam runs extensive training sessions for different player levels. We run 3 different training levels on 4 days per week, check our training timetable out form more details.
RBT Training
Some of TTV Amsterdam top players also then join the Regional Bonds Training (RBT). RBT training is run in our home location every other Wednesday, check our training timetable out for more details.